Monday, February 28, 2011

21st Century Education

The most important skills that I will need after I have graduated from high school is the knowledge required to be able to solve problems in any kind of environment and to think of multiple working solutions, as well as to communicate these problems if they are beyond your current knowledge level. With these skills, post-high school life with come more easily as any problem presented to you can be worked out calmly and correctly. I believe that we are developing the ability to solve many numbers of problems, but only for predetermined problems that are simple and straightforward and have only one correct answer with no consequences if you have answered incorrectly. The perfect school, in my mind, would prepare you for any number of problems you may or may not encounter that can come from any situation with multiple directions in which to solve said problem and also give boundaries and limitations on how one can solve it, in imitation to the real world. If schools could find a way to successfully teach this to its students then more people with the knowledge and skills to get things done properly and efficiently would increase exponentially. In my next year, after I have graduated, I plan to move on to post-secondary education as quickly as possible so as to discover what profession I would like to strive towards. I am hoping to, and most likely will, study at the Okanagan Collage here in Penticton for at least two years, and then once I have figured out what it is I wish to do I will go to a University to get a stronger education on that specific subject.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk a Paragraph

Beep...beep...beep, the alarm blares endlessly in my ear as I struggle to get up out of bed. Six thirty..."guess i should get out of bed". Every bone in my body aches from the uncomfortable mattress I've slept on for the past eight years, and with much effort I'm finally able to clamber out, half asleep with the pain of hunger gnawing at my stomach. I need some breakfast. As I am pouring myself a bowl of bran cereal like I usually have each morning I get my daily pills all lined up and ready to eat with the usual tall glass of water. As I am satisfying the pangs in my belly my body starts to feel much better, and my mood soon follows suit, at the very least I don't feel as terrible as a seventy year old man should, supposedly, feel at this early in the morning, I think with a chuckle. "Doesn't seem like it'll snow again today" I say to myself with a slight grin on my lips. After a couple of hours of watching the news and reading the paper along with my cereal, I decide I should go to the mall again today for my usually cup of coffee from the Orange Julius at the food court. As I'm getting ready to leave I think to myself that, although their coffee is exceedingly scrumptious the food is as expensive, so I decide to grab a muffin and banana to eat as a snack when I arrive there. As I'm sitting down with my recently purchased cup of coffee, I pick up the newspaper from the table and leisurely begin to read today's happenings. After about a half hour of peace and quiet in this soon to be busy mall I notice a large group of teenagers noisily bursting through the doors into the mall, shouldn't they be in school right now, I grumpily think to myself, my mood steadily dropping by the second. After almost an hour of their noise, I've had about as much as I could take for the morning, I notice that they finally seem to be leaving. "Thank goodness" I murmur under my breath. Even though they had left, I still decide that I should be heading home, as the stores were opening up and it would soon become filled with people and noise yet again. The rest of my day was spent as usual, go to the bingo hall and play with a few of my old friends, then we'd go to the McDonald's and have an early dinner. After we'd sat in the restaurant for a few hours, completely unaware of the amount of time we'd spent talking, we would all head to my place to play a good clean game of poker, my speciality. Soon it would be late and everyone would excuse themselves from our game and head home themselves. As the night wore on I would watch the television until I fell asleep on the couch, same as always, then barely awake I'd lumber back into my old, eight year old pain of a mattress, and sleep another peaceful, dream filled night.

Monday, February 7, 2011


"He's close...I can smell his stench" I murmured to myself with my nose pressed against the cold, wet paved streets, my paws long numb from the icy downpour. I had been chasing a robber through the city after I happened across him breaking into a nearby jewelery store. I had been going in circles for the past few minuites when it finally dawned on me "He's on the rooftops!". I jumped from the ground and spread my wings screaching in frustration for my ignorance of this criminals cleverness. I immediately spotted him with my sharp hawk eye's and dived down on top of him knocking him down. "I should give him a bit of a scare to shake him up, maybe even get him to surrender without a fight" I thought to my self. I shifted into a large tiger, knowing noone can stand up against a ferocious wild cat. A loud bang sounded atop the rooftops. I never expected him to be carrying a gun... as I recoiled from the shot, barely getting off with a large scrape on my side, I took to the sky again to avoid his shots. I decided to end this quickly. I climbed high above his sight in preperation for my dive, as i plummeted down toward this man fumbling atop that roof I quickly shifted my sight towards his weapon, new determination to merely unarm him, instead of attacking him directly. With his weapon now out of reach I faced him, fear and astonishment clouding his eyes as he looked upon me, unable to comprehend my shapeshifting abilities, he colapsed. As I left the man with the authorities I once again began to wonder why i came by these abilities, and what kind of future these powers lead me to live...maybe i'm already living it.